Behold. An mpeg of the Jeep on the extensive Matt Savage test track near Matlock.
Click on the question mark!
A chat afterwards confirmed that all was well. The gamble was that the gearbox, transfer box and axles may have been duff as these are the (only) parts not new, but they were fine. Even the radiator held water okay, but a laid back Californian mouse had made a nest in there some years ago. Debris cleared all was fine. Next is finish off the rear lights (me!) and give it a coat of paint, then an MOT.
Well Done!!! I've just had to drop my trousers in the dry cleaners, if you get my meaning.
Brilliant! Well done team! Just in time for it to be requisitioned for Helmond....where I believe we are running out of vehicles!
Bother. Can't open the blinking video thingy. Oh well, I'll just have to imagine it and sit here and watch it with all my imaginary friends.
Talking of whom; they're beginning to get on my wick. Well one of them is anyway. He's struggling with the smoking ban, one full year after it came into effect. Our imaginary conversations are punctuated by frequent trips to the kerb outside the imaginary pub in which we drink. I've told him that it's all in the mind and that he's not giving up anything, just stopping, to which he rather tartly replied that it was in fact him who was in my mind and that I really ought to get a grip. Or something like that. I wasn't really listening at this point as an imaginary stunner had walked into the same imaginary bar and was ordering an imaginary whiskey sour. I very quickly imagined that I was her boyfriend and she was at that intoxicating 'whatever-you-say-has-me-in-stitches-ooh-you're so-clever/funny/attractive-Fred' phase. Naturally I made the most of it until she grew irritating beyond belief and started asking me about where did I see us in two years time and it was different for her because the clock was ticking and you haven't even asked me yet etc etc et bloody cetera at which point it was but a moment's work to imagine she was someone else's girlfriend altogether, and I 'moved on'.
All this, without leaving my own kitchen. I think I need a lie down.
Tell me again: how do I watch the Jeep video?
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